Saturday, January 17, 2015

100 Glow Sticks Bracelets Review

In my attempt to keep one of the littles in my family occupied, or a little quieter when they're being too loud, crying, etc. I brought out my large tube of Glow Stick Bracelets. I received this tube for free, in exchange for my honest review, and couldn't have been more excited.

As I was saying, in my attempt to keep the kids occupied, I brought out the glow sticks tube, and showed them to the kids. I shut the lights off and bent a glow stick in half, allowing the chemicals to react and create the instant beautiful bright glow. The kids were excited. Not sure if they were more excited or if I was. I quickly assembled some bracelets, and had them running around swinging their arms around showing off the glow.

We love glow bracelets in our household. They're something we like to keep for any ocassion that may arise. Never though, have I had such a large amount at once so this was amazing to have on hand.

The tube of glow sticks come in an array of colors. 100 8" Non-toxic sticks in green, yellow, orange, pink, blue, and a few reddish colored sticks. They also come with 100 connectors, to make bracelets, and necklaces. The girls of course, went for the pinks and blues, while the boys, went for the orange and greens. These glow sticks glow brighter than most I've previously owned. Although they do feel slightly thinner, so do not bend them more than you need to, to avoid them breaking. I had one break on my nephew when he tried to thread it around his shoe laces to make his shoes glow as he ran. It caused a bit of a mess, but nothing we couldn't clean up right away. 

One other thing I did notice, was that the sticks that look like they're completely full from tip to tip, do not glow. This might be because they've been activated during transit, or while being packaged. For some reason though, it seemed like only the yellow glow sticks were the ones that didn't glow. This was a very rare occurrence though. So far only about 5 have been tossed due to this, and as I look through all the sticks, there doesn't seem to be too many left that look completely full. 

For $12.95 on (free shipping with Amazon Prime) this is an excellent value. Buying this amount in stores such as Dollar Tree, or Walmart can run out anywhere between $30.00 to $50.00. Not only that, but having a strong cardboard container to store them in is a huge plus. Buying in bulk in stores would create such a mess with all the separate packages, whereas these are stored in one place. 

Take a look on Amazon, to see what others are saying. If you want some crazy colors that glow extra bright, and last super long. These are the glow sticks you want, just click the link below to find out. They're an excellent value. 

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