Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Extremer Pathbrite Headlamp Review

Every weekend, we drive out to my parents ranch, to spend our Saturday Nights out in the country. My dad often has a BB Gun on him, or a pellet gun. Something to keep us all safe, should a coyote come creeping into the yard, or a Javelina. At times you can even see the grass rustling, and find there's a Rattle Snake lurking. It can be scary at times, but for the most part, it's the most amazing of times any of us in my family will ever have.

Along with his BB Gun, my dad usually has a flashlight on him. A Heavy Duty Mag-Lite, that he carry's in his pocket, and thought it's a pretty nice flashlight, the weight he has to carry in his pockets is a bit much, for wanting to sit and relax out there.

I was selected to review The Extremer PathBrite headlamp. I was super excited, because I thought this could be something we could use out at the ranch, and had hoped that it'd be better, than carrying a heavy flashlight around.

I received the Pathbrite on a Friday, and was so thrilled to get to take it out on Saturday. Let me tell you, this light lit across the ranch so much better than any other flashlight we have out there. It's so bright, and powerful, that my dad asked if he could keep it.

Now the battle between my husband wanting to use it for work on his hard hat, or my dad wanting it to use out at the ranch begins. I'll tell you one thing. I think my dad could get more use out of something this awesome. He'll probably win.

The Extremer PathBrite Head Lamp Features:

Three white light settings 9m, 65m, or 110m far.
This headlamp features SOS White bright flashing light for emergencies.
Red LED light for night vision
Red LED flashing light to be seen from a distance
High quality construction
120 hours of lighting with 3 AAA batteries (included)
2 Easy to use buttons.

The pathbrite cover color comes in black or white, and retails on Amazon for $35.97 and ships free using Amazon Prime. I will leave the links down below to their website, and their Amazon Page so you can check out the awesome reviews and get one for yourself. I can not tell you just how amazing this headlamp is, you really need to see for yourself.


PathBrite! Light on Amazon

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