Sunday, December 14, 2014

AYL Premium Silicone Heat Resistant Grilling BBQ/Baking/ Review

The cook in me, is always looking for a great product to make my kitchen life a lot easier. I received these gloves a few days ago, in exchange for my honest opinion. (No compensation was given at all.) and I couldn't be more happier about the timing of their arrival.

AYL Glove Packaging

Hanging over the stove

Close up, but the color is completely off

Oversized but work wonderfully.

My family was going to be getting together over the weekend. I planned on baking cookies for my nieces, with the help of my oldest niece. We put the cookies in the oven, and waited for the timer to go off to let us know they were ready. My niece was too eager to try the gloves so I allowed her to try them first. She slipped them on to her dainty 11 year old little hands, and said that they made for grabbing the pan super easy. She said she had no trouble getting a good firm grip on the cookie sheet, and was able to pull them out of the oven with ease.

She was also able to comfortably hold the pan in her hands for quite a while, before she said she could feel the heat coming through them. Of course, for anyone who spends a lot of time baking, you know that holding a hot pan is never something you do, you usually set it down almost immediately, so the heat coming through is no problem. 

I went ahead and put in the second batch of cookies to try the baking gloves myself. As soon as the timer went off, I put the gloves on, and pulled the cookie sheet out of the oven. I made the same observations my niece did. They were oversized, but still easy to use. They allowed for a great grip, and firm hold. They were very flexible, and long enough to not burn my wrists. Not only that, but they're so easy to clean up. Some dish soap and warm water, and the gloves are good to use again. NO need to toss them in the washer, and dryer to get them clean like the basic cloth mittens, these are so much easier, and convenient. 

This weekend, we're making a ton of BBQ for a party, I'm excited to see my husband put these to use, as I know that they're going to make flipping the meats in the pit so much easier.

I would highly recommend anyone in the restaurant business to stock up on gloves like these. Any cook who loves spending time in the kitchen would love these as well. They retail on for $19.99. The quality of the gloves make this such a great bargain. They'll be gloves that will last for quite a long time. 

My youngest niece just had to use the "hands."

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